1888 White House Tea

1888 White House Tea is a minimally processed and delicate white tea that celebrates the unfiltered rawness. The leaves nonetheless harbour a mellow and elusive floral aroma. It is a special blend as only a few silver tips can be harvested from each tea bush.
₹ 510.00
₹ 510.00
₹ 510.00
Quantity :
Tasting Notes
Long pointed full Silver tips of velvety texture.
Pale creamish colour
A light-bodied, pale cup with a light and mild taste, characterized by its gentle and subtle profile. It carries a delightful flowery sweetness that enhances the overall experience. The flavors are delicate yet distinct with a clean and crisp finish.
Steeping Notes
  • 150-180 ml

  • 1 tsp / 2.5 g

  • 65℃ - 70℃

  • 2-3 min

  • Low

  • 1

  • Hot


Light cookies , Fruit salad , mild cheese

  • condiment

    You can Drink Plain

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Honey

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Sugar

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Lemon
