Morning Glory

Morning Glory is prepared from the earliest pickings of spring from the highest elevation section of Okayti. It is a light and bright cup with essential mellow floral touch to it, a flavourful cup indeed to glorify your mornings.
₹ 1,150.00
₹ 1,150.00
₹ 1,150.00
Quantity :
Tasting Notes
Greenish twisted leaves
Soothing floral nose
A medium-bodied, yellow-colored cup with a delightful floral sweetness that enchants the palate. The floral notes are distinct yet delicate. The finish is clean and lingering, leaving a gentle aftertaste that showcases the floral sweetness
Steeping Notes
  • 150-180 ml

  • 1 tsp / 2.5 g

  • 95°C - 100°C

  • 4-5 min

  • Low

  • 1

  • Hot


Carrot cakes, macaroons, delicate pastries, lemon short bread, smoked salmon, light creamy cheese

  • condiment

    You can Drink Plain

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Honey

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Sugar

  • or
  • condiment

    You can add Lemon
